Hello, Toyko

As you know, V and I have been very busy these past weeks. We have left our post in China and moved to other points west, finally settling down in familiar Columbus, Ohio. And as I am sure you have assumed, dear readers, I’ve taken some time to put together a few videos from our time in Southeast Asia. I’m still solidifying the projects, but each of them provides a brief window into our experiences. We saw some crazy, amazing, beautiful things, and I’m really excited to share all of it with you.

However, we’re going to try this a little bit different. Instead of doing the video sequences in the order of our travels, I won’t. These ones are a little more poetic and a bit more varied than the previous ones. As a result, I’ll just release them as they’re done. Maybe they’re short, or long, or about a brick in the wall of a monastery, or an entire city in macrocosm.

I’m also working out a documentary. I’m not entirely sure if it will come to fruition, but I’m scripting it a little bit now. It’s going to focus exclusively on our China experience. Stay tuned.

This post is about Japan. Tokyo was our last city in the Eastern Hemisphere. We were there for a week, and didn’t even scratch the surface with respect to things to do. There will be a photography post to follow, of course. For now, though, the video.

As usual, it’s also available in higher quality on Vimeo:


Our favorite season is upon us (although the weather doesn’t feel like it quite yet). Hope you’re all having a great back to school/work.

<3, K(V)

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